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Measure up with Tekmetric's 'The Cost of Doing Nothing' eBook. Discover the high price of resistance to new technology in auto repair and how innovation can propel your shop. 

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"Measure up with Tekmetric's 'The Cost of Doing Nothing' eBook. Discover the high price of resistance to new technology in auto repair and how innovation can propel your shop. "

What is the true cost of doing nothing?    In the highly competitive world of automotive repair, meeting ever-changing customer needs and streamlining processes are key to success. However, too many auto repair shop owners are missing out on potential profits by being slow to change processes. As a shop owner, sticking to the status quo could cost your business more than you realize.    Find out what could be costing you and how to fix it and measure up in this eBook.


In the highly competitive world of automotive repair, meeting ever-changing customer needs and streamlining processes are key to success. However, too many auto repair shop owners are missing out on potential profits by being slow to change processes. As a shop owner, sticking to the status quo could be costing your business more than you realize.  
In today’s market, reluctance to change your processes can mean missed revenue and growth opportunities – even if you’re using the same strategies that have worked for you in previous years. Today’s automotive industry is constantly evolving, and without a growth-oriented mindset or the right forward-looking strategies, your shop could be losing out on profits, reputation and valuable time. In this eBook, we’ll explore how staying stagnant can hinder your success and how implementing effective changes, such as utilizing a shop management system and standardizing your processes, can help you unlock your shop’s full potential.  


With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer expectations, industry standards have become even higher than before. Yet making changes to a process that might have worked in your shop for years can seem daunting. After all, if it has worked for this long, why wouldn’t it continue keeping your shop afloat? However, nothing can change on the bottom line if nothing changes within the shop.  

One of the best tools that can help a shop grow is a shop management system. The right shop management system opens the door to improving your shop’s daily operations – preventing you from losses in money, time and reputation. The right system, with features like key data tracking and automated processes, provides the tools to increase your bottom line, your reputation among customers and your productivity.  


Implementing a shop management system can be a game-changer for shops when it comes to growing profits. These systems streamline processes, optimize workflow and enable shop owners to repair more vehicles in the same amount of time – without the need to pre-emptively hire additional technicians or arrange bay schedules to accommodate competing needs. The numbers speak for themselves: auto repair shops effectively using shop management systems experience an increase of at least 17% in average repair orders (AROs).  

To illustrate the point further, let’s assume Shop A has an ARO aligned with the national average – $250-325 per repair order – and the team writes 200 repair orders per month. If the shop increases its average repair order by 17%, it can equal an increase of approximately $51 per repair order – and an overall $10,200 increase in Parts and Labor sales. 

Not only do shops experience an uptick in volume of repairs, but simply integrating a shop management system can provide the tools a shop needs to increase approvals for repairs on a single vehicle, thereby increasing the value of individual repairs. This might seem small at first – but repairs increased by $40 or $50 for each vehicle can accumulate into a significantly increased revenue over time. 

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